JEL-Leading Manufacturer of Clean Robot


Apr. 1993 Set up a limited liability company with capital of 3 million yen in Yamate-cho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima.
Sep. Got approved for a loan from the Hiroshima’s new industry revitalization project.
Mar. 1994 The capital was increased to 10 million yen.
Relocated head office to Nishi-machi, Fukuyama, Hiroshima.
Jun. 1996 Established JEL Corporation.
Aug. Established the office at 40-1, Yamate-cho, Fukuyama-shi.
May 1997 Relocated head office to Yamate-cho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima.
Mar. 1998 Relocated head office to Saba-cho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima.
Apr. The capital was increased to 20 million yen.
Jan. 2000 Established Tokyo branch in Taitou-ku, Tokyo.
May The capital was increased to 60 million yen.
Changed the fiscal year end from March to May.
Apr. 2001 The capital was increased to 66.82 million yen.
Aug. Received ISO9001 certification.
Oct. Registration of patent for Substrate Transfer Robot. (U.S.A)
Dec. Registration of patent for Substrate Transfer Robot. (Japan)
May 2002 Registration of patent for FTVHR Transfer Arm. (Taiwan)
Aug. Relocated Tokyo branch to Higashikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Nov. Registration of patent for FTVHR Transfer Arm. (U.S.A)
Apr. 2004 Invested in JELK CO., LTD. in Korea and signed the distributorship agreement.
Dec. The capital was increased to 74.57 million yen.
Feb. 2005 Established JEL’s recreational facility in Mukaishima.
Sep. 2006 Purchased land to establish Kochi branch in Techno Park, Kochi.
Jan. 2007 Registration of patent for Aligner. (Japan)
May Fukuyama Orimono Co., Ltd. becomes a subsidiary company and was renamed to JELF.
Jun. Established Kochi branch in Techno Park, Kochi.
Aug. Started new construction work on Fukuyama Factory.
Dec. Established a showroom, J-tech Center in Tokyo Branch.
Received ISO14001 certification.
Aug. 2008 Completed New Fukuyama Factory.
Oct. Concentrated the head office operation in the Fukuyama Factory.
Feb. 2009 Received CE certificates for STCR and MTCR series.
Aug. Aligner and other prototype research were approved as financial support projects.
Feb. 2010 Registration of patent for the new mechanical end-effector. (JAPAN)
Jun. Registration of patent for the wafer clamp mechanism. (JAPAN)
Jul. Registration of patent for the substrate transfer (new link twin-arm). (JAPAN)
Aug. Registration of patent for the substrate transfer (new chucking system for end-effector). (JAPAN)
Feb. 2011 Signed the distributorship agreement with Challentech International Corporation in Taiwan.
Jun. Registration of patent for the substrate transfer (parallel link arm). (JAPAN)
Apr. 2012 Completed the expansion of Fukuyama Factory.
Mar. 2013 Started operation of solar power plant in JEL Kochi.
Oct. Started operation of solar power plant in Fukuyama Factory.
Nov. Registration of patent for jet type Bernoulli end-effector. (JAPAN)
Apr. 2014 Signed the distributorship agreement with Inatech & CORP Inc. in Korea.
May 2015 Completed the expansion of Fukuyama Factory.
Jun. Nobuo Sakiya became the President and Haruo Sakiya became the Board Chairman.
May 2017 Relocated Tokyo branch to Kandasakuma-cho in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Oct. Signed the distributorship agreement with Beijing ReJe Automation Co., Ltd. in China.
Feb. 2018 Registration of patent for swirl type Bernoulli end-effector. (JAPAN)
Mar. Established Korea Liaison Office.
Dec. Relocated head office to Kusado-cho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima.
Jun. 2019 Began construction of new Saba Factory.
Registration of patent for unlocking mechanism for a substrate container (Taiwan).
Apr. 2020 Changed status from Korea Liaison Office to Korea Branch.
Jun. Completed New Saba Factory.
Jun. 2021 Established a subsidiary in China, JEL(Shanghai)Robotics Co., Ltd.
Mar. 2023 Signed the distributorship agreement with JEL Automation Co., Ltd. in Taiwan.
Apr. Celebrated 30th anniversary of founding
Aug. Acquired the land for Onomichi factory in Mitsugi-cho, Onomichi City
Sep. Completed the expansion of JEL Kochi.
Oct. Signed the distributorship agreement with Hine Automation, LLC in U.S.A.
Started land preparation work for Onomichi factory
Dec. Moved Korea branch to Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do.
Jun. 2024 Established a subsidiary in China, JEL (Changzhou) Robotics Technology Co., Ltd.
Sep. Changzhou factory completed in China (Changzhou)
Oct. Signed the distributorship agreement with AES motomation GmbH (Germany) & AES motomation Inc. (U.S.A)
Mar. 2025 Signed the distributorship agreement with Sintaike Semiconductor Equipment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in China.